The HRCC continuously throbs with a variety of character-building, philanthropic and inspiring activities. It charges people with a spirit of selfless service, to live in tune with God and in harmony with humanity.The weekly spiritual assemblies, cultural programs and festival celebrations reinforce character and faith in the youth, thus channeling their energy and enthusiasm towards constructive purposes. Our major activities are described below.
Religious and Cultural
The temple is the focus of all major religious and cultural events. We have a full calendar which is continually being refined as our capacity to hold them grows and our membership interest grows. The temple is open currently on Tuesday evenings for Hanuman Chalisa and on Sunday mornings for regular prayer services. Special pujas are held during major festivals. These include, among others, Sankranti, Ram Navami Puja, Maha Shivaratri, Holi, Krishnastami, Ganesh Puja and Diwali(Lakshmi Puja). These events provide a great opportunity for all of us to get together and to support the HRCC by becoming an active member. Usually the celebrations are followed by a sumptuous dinner that displays various Indian cuisines.
Our young generation and the young at heart need an avenue to explore the philosophical underpinnings of our faith. Our vision is to conduct activities that provide our members and their children augmentation of their education and knowledge about our culture and heritage. We intend to provide these activities free of cost to our members, and nominal cost to others. Our main educational agenda items are to:
We aim to promote charitable giving and to make it a central pillar of leading a moral and religious life for our members. Over the years we have sponsored a number of charitable events.
Board of Trustees 2025
Vishwanath Bandaru President
Suma Ponnam Vice President
Neera Bhatia Secretary
Tarak Shah Treasurer
Gunjan Gupta Member
Pintu Patel Member
Shweta Nimberte Member
Viji Jagannathan Member
Amit Bhanushali Member